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1. All members and guests must abide by the following rules:

i. No person is allowed to come into the lodge if they are:

a) Experiencing even mild flu or cold like symptoms;

b) Been in close contact with someone who is experiencing even mild flu or cold like symptoms; or

c) Anyone who has been required to take a COVID-19 test and is waiting for a result.

2. Upon entering each lodge, and thereafter on a daily basis members and in-house guests, will be required to take their temperature on the lodge Covid-19 thermometers. The members/guests name and temperature must be recorded in the Covid-Safe log-book. If a member’s/in-house guest’s temperature exceeds 37.5, the member/in-house guest will be asked to leave the lodge. Please ensure that disposable gloves are used when utilizing thermometers.

3. If during a stay at the lodge any member or in-house guest develops a temperature over 37.5 or a mild cold or flu like symptoms, they are immediately to inform the lodge manager via SMS and depart the lodge.

Thredbo – Emma 0412 666 756

Perisher – Keith 0411 43 435

4. If the lodge manager forms the opinion that any person has developed even mild cold or flu like symptoms, or if they have a temperature over 37.5, they have the authority to direct that member or in-house guest to leave the lodge.

5. All members and guests must practice good hand hygiene. Hands are to be washed at regular intervals using soap and warm water in the bathrooms. Hand sanitiser will be placed at the entrance of the lodges and in the common areas. No person is to enter the lodge without first at least washing their hands with hand sanitiser. No person is to enter a kitchen without first washing their hands with hand sanitiser.

6. Good general hygiene should also be practiced. Do not cough without covering your face (with your elbow) and if you do touch any common surfaces please wash down the surface as soon as you finish. This includes salt and pepper containers, utensils, chairs, tables etc

7. It is essential that the amount of people in the common areas must be limited. A distance of 1.5 metres should be maintained between non-family members. A maximum of one person per every 4 square metres must be maintained. This will involve members and guests co-operating with each other.


  1. Members should discuss the timing of cooking and eating for both breakfast and dinner with other guest the lodge manager the day before and an agreed schedule written on a white board. If there is a failure to agree, the lodge manager shall allocate times for cooking and eating. It is essential and mandatory that all members and guests adhere to the timetable.

  2. Members should discuss the timing of cooking and eating for both breakfast and dinner with other guests and the lodge manager the day before and an agreed schedule written on a white board. If there is a failure to agree, the lodge manager shall allocate times for cooking and eating. It is essential and mandatory that all members and guests adhere to the timetable.

  3. BEFORE your allocated cooking time expires:

a. stack the dishwasher (but do not turn it on)

b. place all used tea towels in the washing basket (supplied by the manager)

c. all common surfaces in the kitchen and dining area, must be fully and completely wiped down and cleaned.

  1. The last rostered kitchen group must turn on the dishwasher.


  1. The following linen will be supplied:

a. bottom sheet

b. doona cover

c. towels

  1. Each member and guest must bring their own pillow and pillow slip.

  2. When departing the lodge please strip the sheets and doona covers from your beds and place linen and towels in the laundry bags

  3. The managers have supplied a cleaning kit in all rooms. These kits are for the members to clean their own rooms and bathrooms BEFORE the lodge manager does a thorough clean


  1. The children’s playroom in Thredbo will be locked.

  2. As such the downstairs bathroom in Thredbo will be closed and all members must use the bathrooms in their rooms. d as a second lounge room to assist members/guests to follow the social distancing rules. (1 person to every 4 square metres)

  3. As such the downstairs bathroom in Thredbo will be closed and all members must use the bathrooms in the rooms.

  4. The communal bathroom in Perisher will also be closed.


In the event of any suspected outbreak of the virus at either lodge, the safety of all will be considered and a decision as to what to do will be made at the time. This may involve lodges being closed at short notice.


No visitors are allowed into the lodge for any reason unless approved by the lodge manager.


Members and guest are strongly encouraged and requested to download the App on their mobile phone and to keep their mobile phone on them at all times during their stay.


Geebung owes a duty to its managers and to all of our members and guests, to do everything we reasonably can, to keep them safe and healthy. The managers have the full authority of the committee on the day to day implementation of these rules. All members and guests are to, without complaint or debate, follow the directions of the lodge manager to the letter. The committee will support the lodge

manager’s decision, so there is no point appealing to the committee. The lodge manager has the committee’s authority to direct any member or guest to leave the lodge at any time for non-compliance with these rules or if they have any concerns as to the safety of themselves or other members.


By these rules the Geebung Committee has tried to put in place the safest use of the lodges. That being said, there are obviously risks involved, and we cannot guarantee that someone does not get the virus from visiting the lodge. Each member and in-house guest will be using the lodge on the clear understanding that they recognise the risk and accept it. The club itself takes no responsibility for any adverse outcomes including any wasted accommodation fees and other costs that may be incurred if members and in-house guests, have to leave a lodge or if a lodge is closed at short notice.

Geebung Ski Club Limited
E: info @    M: 0491 001 070 
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